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Our Core Values

Our commitment to innovation and quality is our guidline. Hurdles faced in 2020, becuase of Covid-19, have taught us how to readjust our approach to higher education. The Basic core values to achieve our goals are:

☉ Honesty.
☉ Hardwork.
☉ Tolerance.
☉ Respect of Elders.

These values build positive relationship which enhance the self esteem of teachers and students.

Association between DHA Suffah University and ISOBAL

The leadership of DHA Suffa University (DSU) and International School of Business and Law(ISOBAL) have expressed eagerness to jointly hold classes at Diploma in Law in the short term followed by a Degree Level Programme. Recently DSU in association with ISOBAL organised a seminar on Corporate Law in September 2022, Lead trainer Prof:Iqbal Shafiq CEO of ISOBAL described the contemporary notion of corporate Law as a perfect tool of Business dealing with legal challenges.

Brig. Prof. Dr.Ahmad Saeed Minhas, Pro-Vice Chancellor of DSU stressed upon the need of excellence in legal education and research after a stimulating Q & A session.

Diploma Programs

During the experience we gained in teaching for the British degree programs in Karachi we assessed the need for short/middle term diploma programs.

We are now offering the following courses.


Post graduate diploma in Accounting & Finance has been designed to cater for the ever increasing demand in the industry for qualified professionals. Today's financial world demands more specific skills for survival in a globalized business environment. The program will ensure that, at the end of the course, the participants have a good understanding of modern day accounting and finance.


Corporate law is an important part of business. Its understanding is important in the business environment of today. The course focuses on various laws related to business and banking and the application of legal environment on business operations.


Immense effort has already gone into the corporate governance environment in Pakistan. Our diploma programme will provide a guide to the policy framework and practice of corporate governance in this country. We have selected seven well known companies, such as Engro, for our case study purposes. Our programme will cover a variety of issues which fall into the ambit of corporate governance and management control. These cases analyse and define what good corporate governance should be


Emphasis is placed on international marketing in the business schools Of North America and Japan. It is a field which takes marketing to the next level where an understanding of culture in the target market is relevant. This Diploma is a qualification for those wishing to embark on a senior management position. It is also a qualification for those wishing to establish as international marketing consultants. Departments dealing with import and export of goods and services are an important aspect of International marketing.